Saturday, August 10, 2024

What has Felisa been up to?

 I just noticed my last post was in 2022 what a shame. I have been through so many changes that blog life has fallen off the wagon. Hubby and I have moved to another state and this weekend I am spending time with the two youngest granddaughters before they go back to school. I am currently attending a weekly sewing circle and enjoying every moment. My latest adventure is learning to quilt which I said I was going to learn when hubby retired but it has come sooner than later that is quilting not retirement. 

Here are some of my latest sewing makes

I wore this one to Atlanta Frocktails

I would say I will do better at posting but if it took me two years to do this little bit :( 
shame shame shame

Felisa signing out be bless

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Thanks for coming to my blog...have a bless one

What has Felisa been up to?

 I just noticed my last post was in 2022 what a shame. I have been through so many changes that blog life has fallen off the wagon. Hubby an...